A housing landlord has been urged to improve communication with local residents in a long-running saga over problem parking.
Residents in Llanrwst’s Scotland Street flats, which are owned by Cartrefi Conwy, have been complaining about unauthorised parking in their car park for many years without success. Many of the residents need car parking close to their homes due to access issues.
Local Plaid Cymru councillor Nia Owen said: "The residents of Scotland Street flats have been trying to resolve the parking issues for many years. They are vulnerable residents who need easy access to parking spaces next to their home.
"Space is also needed in the car park for regular visits from carers and family support. In the past, ambulances have had access issues due to an overfull and unregulated car park.
"Local residents have stressed and worried about this issue for far too long with no clear end in sight. I urge Cartrefi Conwy to engage with local residents and local councillors so we can resolve this issue once and for all."
Her plea was echoed by North Wales Senedd Member Llyr Gruffydd, who said: “It’s unacceptable that reasonable requests for action have been ignored by the housing association, which should be more receptive to residents’ concerns. My office has contacted Cartrefi Conwy three times without any response. That’s why I am fully behind the efforts of local Plaid Cymru councillors to resolve this matter by opening a dialogue with Cartrefi Conwy.”
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