Llyr Gruffydd said he had learned so much from his time spent with police officers in the Denbighshire area.
On the 23rd of May, Llyr Gruffydd has been finding out about policing priorities and concerns while out and about with North Wales Police.
Mr Gruffydd said "The tour of the area was a great opportunity to speak with the officers and learn more about their roles. My respect for them has grown as a result and it was an eye-opener to see their work from their perspective.
“There was a very clear message that a great deal of their time was spent dealing with mental health cases and there is a clear ask of both UK and Welsh Governments for a ‘blue light’ mental health service to help deal with complex situations.
"The police are not mental health workers but are often having to step up in the absence of such a service.
"The same is true of other emergency services such as the Fire and Rescue Service of course.
“I’d like to thank Liam, David and Lucy for their time and wish them well for the future.”
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